The goal of this study was to investigate patterns of encoding motion events in the sentences of ‘Reading Comprehension’ sections of English textbooks that are taught in Iranian guidance schools and high schools. To achieve this objective, all sentences that described motion events were collected from textbooks. Thesesentences were examined on the basis of two factors: 1) The encoding of Figure, Manner, Path, Source, Goal, Cause, and Ground; 2) Metaphorical description of non-motion events in terms of motion events. Based on the obtained results, it was concluded thatsentences of these books are the simplified versions of typical English sentences that are sued to describe motion events. In other words, these sentences minimize the details of motion events and do not offer a complete picture of such events. Regarding the use of metaphors to describe non-motion events in terms of motion events, the obtained results showed that metaphors are underused in English textbooks that are taught in Iranian schools. Therefore, it is recommended that some modifications be made in these textbooks to improve the quality of teaching these aspects of language to L2 learners in Iranian high schools and guidance schools.

Saemeh Askan, Mohammad Khan Sangi. (2017) A Study on the Encoding of Motion Events in Reading Comprehension Sections of EFL Textbooks, The ELF Annual Research Journal, Volume 19, Issue 1.
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