This paper deals with material process and its subsystems in English and Urdu clauses. The data has been collected from the novel, ‘Things Fall Apart’ and its translated Urdu version ‘Bikharti Duniya’. Both English and Urdu corpora were tagged by POS tagger. Afterwards the clauses of material processes were annotated through a designed scheme of the UAM corpus tool. In the results, the first constraint is that some Urdu material processes e.g. بچھائیdemand circumstances as essential elements which is not necessary in English. Secondly, some English relational processes are semantically material processes which are material processes in Urdu as well. Thirdly, material process ‘passed’ is di-transitive having two outcomes but the material process پکڑادیis di-transitive having one outcome. Fourthly, some participants as goals in English material clause work as circumstances in Urdu material clause. Fifthly, some of English material verbs can replace their mental verbs, e.g. ‘to see’ into ‘to meet’ but in Urdu, it is not done. Sixthly, reflexive pronouns are used as participants and adjuncts in operative and receptive English material clause but not in Urdu. Lastly, some Urdu material processes need circumstances which is not necessary in English. This paper observes variant ideationalmetafunction in Urdu and English languages.

Humaira Yaqub,, Muhammad Asim Mahmood,, Inayatullah Kakepoto. (2017) The Material Clause System in English and Urdu Tests:A Corpus-based Analysis of Ideational Metafunction , The ELF Annual Research Journal, Volume 19, Issue 1.
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