This paper aims to explore gender bias in Paradise Lost (1667) written by John Milton through a comprehensive Feminist CDA of ‘Sin’. Sin is an allegorical character represented in Paradise Lost II. Her character is exemplified through the allegory of ‘Sin and Death’. The allegory is famous for its personification of Sin/Death into female/male gender identities. This study uniquely deconstructs Sin’s feminization under the theoretical framework of Feminist CDA. The approach defined by Lazar (2005) forms the method of analysis. The study intends to find out the extent of gender bias in the portrayal of Sin by Milton. Identification of gaps through a review of literature has enabled the researcher to form two research questions. Analysis of research question is based upon the selected tools of Feminist CDA that lead towards the findings. In the light of contextual and discursive practices the critical discussion denotes that Milton is gender bias in the portrayal of Sin as a seductive and manipulation stereotype female. Conclusion of the study projects that the representation of Sin whether through her character, utterances and speeches is based upon male/female dichotomy. The stereotypical feminization of Sin is based upon gender partiality and predisposition related to the female gender

Saba Zaidi. (2017) Let him who is Without Sin Cast the First Stone:” A Feminist CDA of Gender Bias in Paradise Lost, The ELF Annual Research Journal, Volume 19, Issue 1.
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