The present study aims at exploring the correlation between reading strategy instruction and learners’ metacognitive awareness of reading strategies. For achieving this end, the paper adopts a correlational-cum-quantitative research paradigm. The research sample consists of 35 ESL learners studying in B.A Honors (English) program in the department of English in a university in Pakistan. Two questionnaires (with 33 items each) using 5-point Likert scale for the participants’ responses have been used for data collection. Questionnaire-I has been used to measure the amount of cognitive reading strategy instruction available to the participants; while questionnaire-II has been adopted to assess the level of their metacognitive awareness while reading English texts. The results are obtained by computing descriptive statistics and applying Pearson product moment correlational test on the collected data. The research findings show a strong positive correlation between reading strategy instruction and metacognitive reading strategy awareness. The study implies that the availability of a considerable degree of cognitive reading strategy instruction can be a predictor of a high range of metacognitive awareness which eventually leads to better comprehension of L2 texts

Shahzad Karim,, Sumaira Qanwal. (2016) A Correlational Study of Cognitive Reading Strategy Instruction and Metacognitive Reading Strategy Awareness, The ELF Annual Research Journal, Volume 18, Issue 1.
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