The present research explores the development and structural composition of Siwi Creole and the contribution of its two parent languages in its composition. Siwi Creole is a Pashto-Sindhi based creole where Sindhi acts as superstrate language and Pashto as a substrate language. The study is qualitative and exploratory inits design. The data is collected through interviews of ten people from Panni tribe of district Sibi, Balochistan who were purposively sampled for this research. Further Relexification hypothesis is taken as theoretical framework for this study. The findings suggest that grammatical frame of Siwi Creole is influenced mostly by Sindhi language and some of the vocabulary and other lexical features are taken from Pashto language. Overall this study serves as the foundation for future research in the field of Creolistics in Balochistan.

Sehrish Naudhani, Fouzia Rehman Khan. (2016) Exploring the Grammatical and Lexical Structure of “Siwi Creole” in District Sibi, The ELF Annual Research Journal, Volume 18, Issue 1.
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