دیدگاه بیدل در اهمیت سکوت و مراتب بیان
Among the poets and speakers, Abdul Qadir Bidel is one of the
few people who pays special attention to how to care for language and to
control it, and in his collection of poems, the manner of rhetoric is
worthy of expression, while mentioning the talking too much’s losses,
the focus on low talk and silence are the most effective ways to prevent
social disasters. He considers happiness in speech management. In the
context of this article, we analyze his point of view in this regard.
دکتر قاسم صافی. (۱۳۶۵) The Bidle’s View on the Importance of Silence and the Consequences of Expression, Danesh, ۵۔۷ بهار تا پاییز, Issue 1.
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