The battle of "Uhad(Ghazwa-e-Uhad)was fought by the
Prophet of islam in the 3rd Hijri.It was a fiece battle ,where in many
Muslim soldiers had lost their lives and almost every one was injured: so
much so. that the great Prophet (S A) was also injured. The battle
concluded in a draw and the Mushrikkeen- e- Macca had started running
away , leaving behind their belongings. The Muslims ,on the orders of
the great Prophet (S A)CHASED them unless they had run away and
disappeared. Even then our writers had written that Muslims had faced
a defeat in this battle.This is not only blunt but a highly prejudiced and
biased opinion by these writers.The article concludes that:(i)The Chasers
can not the defeated persons.that too when the great Prophet (S A)
was among them and Alimighty has promised success to his Prophet (S
A) and his followers.(ii)It has set the meaning of obedience to Rasul (the
Prophet )S Ai-e -in his life time:and to the ruler or governor in his absenc
Cap.Sidique Ahmad. (2017) غزوہ احد،قرآن مجید کی روشنی میں, Al Tafseer, Volume 29-30, Issue 1.
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