Al Tibyan Fi Tafseer-il-Quran is one of the prominent
exegeses of Holy Quran written by Sheikh Toosi.He was born in
Tous in 380 AH.He wrote numerous books on various topics
other than Islamic Law,Jurisprudence and Hadith.He founded
seminary (Hoza Ilmiyah) in Najaf Ashraf (Iraq) that is still
operational to date.To make better understanding of exegesis for
readers,Sheikh Toosi has described the basic principles in the
preface. Hence,in the beginning of every Surah he has recounted the number of its Ayaats and the number of 'Negated
Ayaats'.He also narrated the different readings(Qarat)of Quran.
He described the verbal meanings of words. He interpreted Holy
Quran with the help of Quran itself,hadith,narrations of Holy
Prophet's companions and that of Ahl ul Bait (R.A).He also got
assistance from the verses of Arabian Classical Poets to explain
the meanings of several words.
Dr.Nadeem Abbas . (2017) تفسیر"التبیان فی تفسیر القرآن" کا منہج و خصائل, Al Tafseer, Volume 29-30, Issue 1.
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