Edward Said was an epoch making philosopher, critic,writer and musician. He was also an iconoclast who challenged the cherished views of the western society, in spite of being educated in its bosom. His brain adventured into the fields of Literature, politics and music. He proved his mettle in all these fields. Consequently, he was awarded several prizes for his contributions. His major works include, 'Orientalism', 'Covering Islam' and 'Musical Elaborations'. He had the ability to think out of the box. This is precisely the reason he refused to accept the views of the society he lived in. He had great critical ability and foresight that could pierce through the false barriers of color and creed. He supported the Muslim stance in spite of being a Christian. This is true intellectualism and he adhered to it steadfastly, though he was rebuked by many.

عظمیٰ سیٹھی. (2015) ایڈورڈ سعید ----ایک مشرقی مغرب میں, Bazyaft, Vol 26-27, Issue 1.
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