Islamic financial market in Pakistan comprises of Islamic banking, Takaful and Islamic capital market which has been regulated and supervised by State Bank of Pakistan and Securities and Exchange Comm ... Read More

The use of financial derivatives is controversial in Islamic Finance.The commonly held opinion is that derivatives are not Sharīʿah compliant, so should not be used in Islamic Finance. The use of Isla ... Read More

Growth has a strong association with financial development. Both micro and macro level projects significantly benefit from the access to finance that helps to reduce their cost. Islamic financial deve ... Read More

Drawing upon the transformative learning theory, the purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between learning organization practices and the subjective performance of employees (m ... Read More

Pakistan’s Islamic banking sector is growing rapidly despite the fact that it is going through a challenging phase of progress due to intense competition with the conventional banking sector. ... Read More

The purpose of the current study is to critically analyse the Shariah Governance Framework (SGF 2018) of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). SGF 2018 provides the foundation for the operat ... Read More