Islamic finance industry has been growing for the last twenty years, both in Muslim and non-Muslim countries around the world. There are different modes of Islamic finance which provide job opportun ... Read More

Sharī‘ah governance is a unique element of the Islamic financial system in which Ulama (Islamic scholars) play a fundamental role. Deeni Madaris (religious seminaries) are the major channels for the ... Read More

This research was conducted to find out whether Islamic capital markets (ICMs) have any effect on economic growth (EG). The study also made a comparison between three countries including Pakistan, M ... Read More

Due to the inherent instability of the conventional financial system, the demand for Islamic finance has increased. Islamic finance is more stable because it does not rely on debt-based financing. C ... Read More

The aim of this paper is twofold. The first aim is to demonstrate that Islamic finance is an alternative to conventional finance in the western world. Often viewed as a religious service in non-Musl ... Read More