Mevlana Jalal-uddin Rumi, (1207-1273) a mystic, sufi, teacher and a poet, borned around eight centuries ago contributed magnificently to promote humanity, love, peace, tolerance, compassion, respect f ... Read More

In this article, selected poems of Iqbal have been exploited that he used in his Urdu poetry to highlight the philosophy of education; its core elements and the stake holders. Education in this articl ... Read More

The paper has reflected on some of the selected poems of Maulana Rumi and Iqbal to compare the meaning of love, heart, and soul as presented in their verses. The paper highlighted the vision of Rumi t ... Read More

Colonial experience of Muslims in nineteenth century has produced among Muslim thinkers the need to integrate European ideas and sciences in Islamic frame. Sayyid Ahmad Khan (1817 – 1898) epitomizes t ... Read More

Between 1887 and 1946, the Indian Muslim community collectively adopted three successive goals and achieved each of them in a fixed period. In this paper it is argued that this was no coincidence. The ... Read More

The concept of knowledge in Islam is unique. Its each field takes us closer to the Creator. Knowledge in the Muslim tradition is divided into two main divisions: beneficial and harmful. It is also div ... Read More

‘Muslim scholars’ (ulema) and ‘Muslim rulers’ (umera) are two groups of people who have a vital role in ‘correcting’ (islah) or ‘corrupting’ (fesad) the society. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) assigned a spe ... Read More

The present issue of the journal includes selected papers and abstracts of the papers presented at the International Seminar titled The Muslim Scholars of the East: Philosophical Thoughts for the Con ... Read More

The contemporary societies at the moment are going through a crisis of intolerance and bigotry. In this scenario, the teachings of Holy Prophet Muhammad(may peace be upon him) become all the more rele ... Read More

The current issue of JSSIR brings four articles all having a wider readership owing to the themes classified within the general interest and scope of people in the immediate societal context and are n ... Read More

The global trend of teaching English as an international language has called for a substantial change in English language education in Pakistan. It draws upon ownership of English language instead of ... Read More

In the 21st century, technology has become an integral part of the education system and at the same time both technology and education are understand as inter-related and inter-dependent. It is gener ... Read More

English language teaching especially in second and foreign language contexts will have grammar instruction as its mainstay. Grammar instruction remains a challenge for learners and teachers owing to a ... Read More


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