Islam is not a mere set of worships but it leaves no stone unturned to guide its followers regarding the social conduct be it politico-legal, socio-cultural or economic etc to name a few. The interest ... Read More

The state of Bahawalpur was founded in 1802 by Nawab Mohammad Bah┐wal Khan II. After the establishment of Pakistan on 14 August 1947, the state opted to accede to the new dominion of Pakistan, with ef ... Read More

In this article different era of ╓anaf┘ School of thought is discussed in which it is mentioned that ╓anaf┘ School got the general acceptance among people after the initial three stages of its Origina ... Read More

In globalization and information age, Sustainable development is a contemporary issue to protect future generations. Islam is not only a religion, but also a guideline for whole life and is based on d ... Read More

Embryology is such an academic discipline which was based upon the Qura’nic revelation purely and its details were provided by The Holy Prophet (SAW) whereas the scientists remained totally unaware of ... Read More

Almighty Allah does not leave a person free that he do what he wants like animals, but Almighty Allah made some rules for human which must be followed and obeyed by the man. In the same way some rules ... Read More

The higher objective of Islamic law based upon entire blessing play an important role in construction and rein formation of the human society. the expert of Islamic law have classified the three desce ... Read More

Like all the physical diseases, which are fatal for a body, all the ethical weaknesses, like avarice, rampage, and malignity are also most harmful for a man. But, amidst these, envy is the malady whic ... Read More

Upbringing of children is a significant job which is carried out at homes, day care centers, formal and informal schools or institutions. Proper and socially acceptable change in the behavior of young ... Read More

Almighty Allah created Ãdam and made each and every thing of this Universe in his order to take interest and use it well. But he also made some laws also to follow that he can avoid many mishaps. He s ... Read More

It is incontrovertibly true that Islam advocates peaceful coexistence with the adherents of other creeds. The holy Qur’an, the primary source of Islamic Shari‘ah, vividly recommends freedom of conscie ... Read More

Pakistan emerged on the map of world in 1947 as an Islamic state on the basis of two nation theory. Islam was the main binding force behind that unprecedented successful struggle. The inherent educati ... Read More

Islam is a way of life and it does not allow betray of any kind to anyone especially in trade and business. Islam does not allow to buy or sell any type of commodity by any means in which there is a c ... Read More

Modern day man has excelled in science to such an extent that revolutionary changes have been made in every walk of life. Those things which were impossible yesterday, are a reality today. One cannot ... Read More

For every worshipping, almighty Allah has appointed a specific time, same is the case with prayer (salat). But the following five appointed times for prayers are abhorrent: 1) At noon time. 2) At Sun ... Read More

The Beliefs are the base of Islam and all worships. The vantage ground of beliefs has been described by Allah Almighty and His Rasool Muhammad (SAW). To agree upon the Beliefs is very important for al ... Read More

Technically, Naskh refers to the abrogation of a religious ruling through another religious ruling involving commands and prohibitions, and, the abrogation being either through a Qur’anic statement, H ... Read More

Allah guided His men through great Prophets and messengers who, through their active economic, religious and politico-economic lives, taught the people how to lead a life. As the people have to come a ... Read More

Islam is a religion of peace and forgiveness. Islam calls for peaceful and prosperous life. It emphasis on establishment of heavenly society that as free from bios hate, jealousy, injustice, Rather it ... Read More

Islam is an institution of justice and moderation. It is a straight path and the Muslim fraternity is the nation which practices moderation and justice. The Islamic system is based on justice. If ther ... Read More

Today in the world, the human beings are crunch in crimes in developed society or in undeveloped society. As a result the whole world has become insecure and unsafe. A society and nation can perish an ... Read More

The founder of Khānqāh-e-Chohar Haripur (Qādriya Silsilah) was Khwāja Muhammad Abdul Rahman Chohārvi (1840-1924), who born in Chohar, a village in Haripur District (Pak). Khwāja Muhammad Mehmood ul Re ... Read More


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