From Han Dynasty, ancient China had many records and literature materials about the administrative jurisdiction over South China Sea Islands and the labor of generations of Chinese people. However, ... Read More

EPIGRAPH "I do not know whether this is the spot where Alexander breakfasted with his Superintending Engineers – Perdiceas and Hephaestion- but neither do I know that he breakfasted elsewhere, so ... Read More

The social transformation in Pakistani society reflects a conflict between traditionalism and the modernism. The social alteration in the value system a divergence seems to have been developed betw ... Read More

Heather Lehr Wagner is a series writer having hold on many contemporary issues. Among those topics Iranian Revolution is one about which he emphasized many issues not raised by others. His work The ... Read More

The work of this thesis primarily revolves around the viability of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in solving the problems of Pakistan. It explains that whether CPEC can economically solve ... Read More

Media is the most crucial element for the development of freedom of expression. Unfortunately history of Pakistan is evident of many unjustified rules and regulations imposed on media at the name o ... Read More


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