This valuable and absorbing book brings out facts not generally discussed in the field of economics. It presents complex ideas of Islamic Economics from the Quranic and Hadith perspective in a liter ... Read More

he author‟s main purpose is to compile a bibliography of Islamic Economics literature, both books and articles, published up to 1975 in three languages: English, Arabic and Urdu. The book contains r ... Read More

This study is being coxed on performance measurement of Islamic Banking sector of Pakistan. The study has intended to show that Islamic banking sector of Pakistan may work at its optimal level if th ... Read More

Not very long ago the practicability of Islamic banking and finance was not taken seriously, and writing on such topics was considered simply a mental exercise in vain. Opportunity of teaching and l ... Read More

he structure of Islamic transformation into 100 per cent reserve requirement monetary system is explained in terms of the foundational epistemology of the unity of divine knowledge (tawhid). In this ... Read More

The main purpose of this paper is to trace epistemological roots of conventional and Islamic finance. Based on an extensive literature review, this paper aims to highlight, explain, and discuss an i ... Read More