This paper aims to evaluate the service quality of Islamic banking and to explore the withdrawal behavior of Islamic banking depositors based on their evaluation towards its service quality in the c ... Read More

One of the essential factors for the financial growth of a country is a stable banking system. Over the past few years, Islamic banking industry of Pakistan has grown substantially. However, it face ... Read More

Revealing accurate and complete information of the business is the prime focus of Islamic finance as it proposes to avoidance any sort of Gharar (uncertainty). Lack of disclosure could lead to explo ... Read More

Islamic banking in Pakistan has gained recognition in last ten to eleven years. It offers many products which are different from conventional banking and the most significant constituent is zero int ... Read More

Majority of Muslims expressed unprecedented interest in Islamic Banking and Financial Institutions (IBFIs) believing that IBFIs, having the holistic approach of social-welfare behind their establishme ... Read More