Anecdotal evidence from rural Pakistan suggests that large landlords are opposed to education since it could cause attitudinal changes that challenge the existing order or cause the emigration of pote ... Read More

A new Income Tax Audit Scheme was introduced in Pakistan in the budget 1993-94. In fact. it was a modified form of immunity Scheme of the early 1980’s. This paper attempts to analyse the new scheme on ... Read More

What is the economic agenda of the Islamic parties? Can it be distinguished sufficiently from the policies of the mainstream parties, to legitimate the claim, that the Islamic groups have an alternati ... Read More

Ina recent article, Ashraf and Ashraf(1993b)ealeulmed the male-female racningsdiffercntial for Pakistan using HIES data for 1979 and 1985-86. This note supplements that study by estimating the gender ... Read More

It is generally felt that foreign resources (debt) b as not played its role in development, rather it has become a burden for the economy. Pakistan's foreign debt has grown over at 1 1 per cent per an ... Read More

An extensive research has been conducted in the past on the measurement of technical efficiency. Various approaches namely (a) non-parametric, (h) grouping method, (c) linear programming, (d) statisti ... Read More

The importance and usefulness of the informal sector (IFS) is now well-established in lie development literature. In this paper, we survey the rapidly growing literature on Pakistan's informal sector ... Read More