The importance and usefulness of the informal sector (IFS) is now well-established in lie development literature. In this paper, we survey the rapidly growing literature on Pakistan's informal sector and attempt to synthesize recent empirical evidence. We ensilage thin the IFS has gained bverwhehning importance in recent years due to its size, earnings potential, employment and skill generation, and growth potential for the firms, In particular, we focus on earnings functions, skill formation under ustathshagird system. and prospects for firms' growth by examining the macro policy environment, sub-contracting arrangements, access to capital, technology adaptation, markets, and tirm's location. Working womens' production relationships are also illustrated briefly. We present areas.where government assistance could be useful l'or this sector's development in future, We note, that due to gaps in the coverage of existing research, it is difficult to draw inferences for economic policy in some areas.

Abid A. BURKI, Uzma AFAQI. (1996) PAKISTAN’S INFORMAL SECTOR: Review of Evidence and Policy Issues, Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics, Volume-12, Issue-1.
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