Since November 2019. the entire world is under the unexpectedly severe jolt caused by a pandemic identified as COVID-19. The governments, organizations, societies, international bodies, and individuals are all staring into the space, realizing their helplessness and total failure to find out solution to it. Efforts have already begun to study and investigate the exact nature and cause of the symptom. Around a hundred laboratories around the world are working day in day out to develop effective vaccine to control the spread of the Corona impact. Experts appear almost disappointed over the havoc wrought by the killer bug. They do not see any respite at least for the next 2-5 years. Even if the current Coronavirus comes under control, what about other unseen viruses that might be awaiting their chance to hit the humans in near and far future? This precarious and extraordinarily painful situation calls for deliberation over the problem in a comprehensive manner. The humanity needs protection from all directions, and not just only from one Coronavirus. This study is to identify the ways to control the panic caused by the pandemic. The study is based on the Islamic sources, the Qur‟an, and the traditions of the Prophet (s.a.w.). The methodology applied in this study is critical analysis and the conclusion reached at is that application of Islamic principles by individuals and societies the world over will surely yield fruits.
Prof. Dr. Israr Ahmad khan. (2020) SYSTEMIC PROTECTION OF HUMANITY FROM OUTBREAKS LIKE COVID-19 - AN ISLAMIC SOLUTION, Epistemology: Journal of Islamic Studies, Volume 7, Volume 2.
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