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تازہ ترین جلد

Tafsīr or interpretation of the Holy Qur’ān has always been a central task for Muslim exegetes. Muslim scholars of the Qur’ānic sciences interpret the verses of the Holy Qur’ān through valuable scienc ... Read More

In the globalized world of today, the Western media and intelligentsia is questioning compatibility of Islam with the modern times and terming it retrogressive thus injecting ideas, negatively impacti ... Read More

United nations youth development Policies are a unique and important issue of current time. It directly depends upon the youth of any country. The future development and growth and success of society ... Read More

Turkey is among one of the lucky countries where women as well as men have equal rights to pursue Islamic Studies. The pursuit of religious education for women in Turkey is possible in two conditions. ... Read More

The conclusiveness and inevitability of Prophet Hood of Muhammad as a last, has been remained for the last fourteen hundred years and more foundation stone of the Muslims faith. Many people have prese ... Read More

Allah Almighty is the Lord of the world, He creates whatever He wills.He alone is fully cognizant of its wisdom.One of Allah's creations is a that is neither entirely male nor female.These masses are ... Read More

One of the burning problem of the contemporary Muslim world is excommunication “Takfīr” or the act of declaring someone as an infidel or disbeliever (kafir). Studies show that accusing others of disbe ... Read More

The Holy Prophet PBUH being the last messenger of Allah Almighty has bestowed with many distinctive attributes. These characteristics are described and proved by the Holy Quran and ahadith under sever ... Read More

Towards the end of the 20th century the study of ḥadīth has made considerable progress and received increasing attention in both Muslim and Western worlds.The role of ḥadīth has grasped the attention ... Read More

The discipline of Hadith Sciences is of the richest and exclusive discipline of knowledge as its branches extend to hundred. The religious scholars have written thousands monographs concerning Hadith ... Read More

Sheikh Albani is known as one of the great muhaddith of the twentieth century.For almost sixty years, he has been engaged in the research of hadithand compiled nearly two hundred books, of which the " ... Read More

Quran Majeed, the miraculous and unquestionable book of Allah (SWT), carries entirely the wordings and their subsequent meaningsfrom Allah through revelation. It is impossible to encompass the true ap ... Read More

Emerging markets have received much attention from researchers recently, as these markets are going to be the next big consumer market and understanding consumer behavior is key to competitive advanta ... Read More

There is an assumption in the discourse on research methodologies of social sciences and religious studies that the quantitative and qualitative research methodologies are neutral and universally acce ... Read More

In this article, the procedure of counseling system in the light of Quran, Sunnah and Shariah are analyzed briefly. What is counseling, its literal and conotential meanings are discussed in detail. Ba ... Read More

Throughout this article, it has been endeavored to determine the mind of child education within the slight-weight of spiritual writing and Islamic teachings. The political, monetary and social consequ ... Read More

Women are facing many critical issues related to honor, respect, due status, and dignity in Pakistan. The objective of this study is to discuss the status of women before and after the advent of Islām ... Read More

The aim of study is to explore customer perception towards domestic Islamic banks under the scope of Pakistan. Following the scope of study, we have collected a data from 400 individuals but sample of ... Read More

This research work is intended to trace and evaluate the significant and noteworthy Fatāwā on Human Cloning issued by the distinguished institutions in the world. The Muslim jurists and scientists hav ... Read More

Development of Halāl food sector has great importance for the economy of Pakistan. Global Muslim population constitutes 24% of total world population. Nonetheless, more than 80% of global halal trade ... Read More

Since November 2019. the entire world is under the unexpectedly severe jolt caused by a pandemic identified as COVID-19. The governments, organizations, societies, international bodies, and individual ... Read More

The Science of the Qur‟ānic Readings is an important discussion of the Qur‟ānic Sciences. There are many words in the Qur‟ān which have more than one reading. Qirā‟āt are primarily divided into two ty ... Read More

There are three basic dimensions of human life thoughts, worship (ٰIbadat) and matters. Thoughts belongs to faith worship (Ibadat) connected with Shariah and matters depends on morality. Faith and wor ... Read More

The dreams and methodology to decipher them is very important in perspective of social, psychological and religious life of human beings. The dreams have impact upon our lives and we may be made pleas ... Read More

Crime and punishment is the core part of all legal systems. The primary goal of punishment in Shariah is to prevent criminal activities and establish a just social and political system. Imprisonment i ... Read More

The discpline of Hadith Studies is one of the richest and exclusive discipline of knowledge as its branches extends to hundred.The religious scholars had written thousands monographs concerning Hadith ... Read More

The main objective of the Quranic exegesis is to understanding of the extracting the orders and statements. There is two major ways/ kinds of extracting the obligations. First of them is through the " ... Read More

Marketers today bombard messages on consumers through diverse advertisement channels without recognizing what consumers actually perceive about them. The selection of advertisement channels depends ... Read More

Allah Almighty has created human beings to lead his life in accordance with the Will of Allah Almighty. Islam being a religion of nature prescribes code of life for an individual as well as society. I ... Read More

Family life makes both man and woman complete. It is only when family members follow certain rules. Otherwise, mere appearance of male and female as living together may not ensure the most desirable h ... Read More