آئی ایس ایس این نمبر

تازہ ترین جلد

Before we study the beginning and evolution of elm-ulkalaam and the study of an important group of Islamic thought in the second century of hijri, Mo’tazilla, whose ideas and thoughts resonated in t ... Read More

The Middle East clash has been savagely bantered by lawmakers and strict and proficient gatherings. Lately, the Middle East clash has been the essential hotspot for distress and precariousness on t ... Read More

Marriage is acknowledged a blessing and recognized as not only an imperative and fundamental basis of the society but also a “ sacred covenant”. It has vividly been mentioned in Quran: ِمن ُ َّللا ... Read More

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between Islamic banking and industrial production by decomposing Islamic financing (IF) into profit and loss sharing (PLS) and non-profit ... Read More

Quran claims that we are bestowed with Fiṭrah; basic world view, religious and moral awareness, God fearing etc. Rationalism was there in Muslim world before the translation movement, but the Greek ... Read More

Malaysia is striving to become an educational hub as reflected in Malaysian Education Blueprint (2015-2025). However, due to the sever competition, declining university going population and decreas ... Read More