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USA has maintained physical presence in Asia-Pacific region since the end of World War - II by basing in areas like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Philippine to name a few, which has generally provided stability and through mini Marshal plan for this region, facilitated rapid post war recovery of the devastated region. This investment created favorable environments for China (Now World’s Economic Giant) in rapid pace of economic development. Due to US added attention, this region was consistently on economic rise despite tremors of cold war, Vietnam war and Korean war. However, the US led War on Terrorism distracted US policy planners from this region due to shift in focus to Afghanistan and the greater Middle East. These developments provided space to China for uninterrupted economic expansion. In the recent time, USA has reprioritized the importance of East Asian region by realizing the need to “Rebalance”. US policy planners term it as a “fulcrum” of developing a regional economic and security architecture; therefore, US cannot afford to ignore it. Rebalancing involve renewed US focus and engagement with its regional allies for boosting alliance partnership comprising military, economic and security cooperation and enhanced basing in the region.

Shuja Mahesar , Waseem Ishaque , Akbar Mahesar . (2017) USA’S POLICY TOWARDS ASIA: IMPLICATIONS FOR REGIONAL STABILITY, Journal of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Research, Volume 6, Issue 1.
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