آئی ایس ایس این نمبر

تازہ ترین جلد

Linguistic knowledge at the micro-level helps the users of language in professional and technical settings. The specialized language is registered according to its use and jargon, according to the use ... Read More

Pakistan is the only country which is greatly affected by terrorism after becoming a front line ally of United States in war against terrorism. Pakistan had to join the war in order to bring an end t ... Read More

The present study aims to analyses the translation of cultural specific items in Pakistani and British English. It further investigated which translation strategies are used by the translators in bot ... Read More

Language-mixing is a consequent phenomenon of language contact and its occurrence in written discourse manifests the deep-rooted role it has acquired in the linguistic scenario of multilingual countr ... Read More

This paper aims to analyze the speeches of Michael Obama in the light of Van Dijk CDA model. The fine relation between identity and pronouns, and the way they are being implemented are the focal poin ... Read More

Gender is a socially constructed entity which is inculcated in the members of society according to their sex type (Bem, 1981). This entity is created and recreated through different media and sources ... Read More

The research was undertaken with a purpose to ascertain the perceptions of teachers at elementary school level about their school’s principals’ perceived leadership styles and their overall satisfact ... Read More

The growing pace of female entrepreneurs is steadily accelerating across the world. Female entrepreneurs lag far behind their male counterparts, and this difference can be explained by different poli ... Read More