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This article addresses Pakistan’s relations with the Muslim World during the period of first military ruler of Pakistan. Ayub Khan based his relations with major powers of the time and the Muslim countries on bilateralism. During Muhammad Hussain Suhrawardy’s Premiership, reputation of Pakistan got damaged in the eyes of Arab Republics because he showed poor policy at the time of Suez crisis. Thus Ayub Khan restored previous damaged reputation when he visited Egypt in 1960 and assured Egyptian government of Pakistan’s support in its relations with the Muslim Republics. Afghanistan adopted hostile attitude with Pakistan in 1961 when its army crossed Pakistani boundary. Pakistani forces took action and as a result, Afghan forces returned back to their barracks. On the other side, Shah of Iran made a great effort for the improvement of relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistan’s relations with Iran and Turkey remained cordial as the three countries were members of Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD). RCD was established in July, 1964 when heads of the states of three countries (Pakistan, Iran and Turkey) met at Istanbul (Turkey) and agreed to promote cooperation in economic and cultural fields. Ayub Khan also made good relations with Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and with other Muslim countries. Due to good relations of Pakistan with all the Muslim countries, they came forward to help Pakistan morally and logistically, when it faced crisis in form of Indo-Pak war of 1965.

Muhammad Iqbal , Falak Sher, Rehmat Ullah Awan , Khalid Javed . (2012) PAKISTAN’S HISTORICAL, CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS WITH THE MUSLIM WORLD: 1958-1969, Journal of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Research, Volume 1, Issue 2.
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