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تازہ ترین جلد

Shari‘ah’s teachings are perfect and forever. They leave everlasting impacts on society towards its spiritual as well as material purification (Tazkia) if implemented properly according to Qur’an and ... Read More

This article is about the poetry of Arabs and its impacts on Pashto poetry. The poetry of Arab is famous in all over the world. In this article the Arabic poetry and its kinds has been explained. Befo ... Read More

Although the contribution of Ahmad Shoq┘ to Arabic literature, particularly to its poetry which is praised everywhere, which made him an authority and gained him the honor, yet there is a great contra ... Read More

Islamic has a comprehensive judicial system. It focusses on closing the ways of crimes on perpetual grounds. The Panel Ordinance of Islamic law, a kind of punishment is an Islamic term which has a kno ... Read More

This research article consist unique study regarding constitution of Human being character building in the thoughts of eminent philosopher Shah Wali Ullah (1703-1764). In present critique the focus ha ... Read More

Sindh remains a center of great Islamic scholar in early ages till now, scholars of Sindh served in all the fields of Islamic studies. Among Islamic Scholars of Sindh who have left unmatchable repute ... Read More

The Quran is the complete code of life and the fountainhead of guidance for all peoples till the last Day. When the Quran itself does not speak directly or in detail about a certain subject, Muslims o ... Read More

History of Tibari is the well-known book of late ‘allama ibne jar┘r ║ibar┘. Its real name is Tar┘kh- ul ’ummam wal Mul┴k. History of ║ibar┘ is considered the comprehensive and encyclopedia for the fir ... Read More

Being the natural religion, Islam demands peaceful, liberal and civilized society. To achieve this goal Islam introduces two types of laws; permanent and Transitional law. Permanent law are those whic ... Read More

It is an admitted fact that Islam is “Universal Din” and a complete code of life. Its universality and conciseness is proved from Quran itself. Quran identifies the universality and surmounts it upon ... Read More

Media has wide spectrum in modern world such that it is known as fourth pillar of state. Media has made convenient and has provided numerous facilities. Apart from this media also has shortcoming. Med ... Read More

Livestock has a vital role in life of human beings. Allah says: And he has created the livestock for you, to provide you with warmth, and many other benefits, as well as food. They also provide you lu ... Read More

Pakhtun society has its own justice system which has different types of penalties and remedies to maintain the justice in the society. This study concentrates to investigate the nature of pecuniary pu ... Read More

The only religion Islam provides the thorough layout for human beings not only covers the spiritual needs but also shaped the materialistic desires in a better way. The most important aspect among all ... Read More

Qur’an and prophetic traditions (Hadith) are the fundamental sources of Islam. Muslims believe that Qur’an is the word of God (Allah). Hadith (Prophet’s Sayings, actions and silent approvals and disap ... Read More

Many people of literature deny the existenic of dramatic art in the classical poetry of Arabs. They provide proofs for their allegation. But the reality is contrary that for many reasons. In this we h ... Read More

The experts from various fields have maintained some rules and regulations in understanding and acquiring skills in this field of knowledge. This is due to their efforts which make very simple to unde ... Read More

According to the traditionists, a Hadith can only be considered reliable when its Sanad offers an unbroken series of credible and veracious authorities till the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). The critical ... Read More

Sikhism is one of the Non Semitic religions founded by Guru Nanak, belonged to a Hindu family and was born in 1469 A.D. This religion is popular in India and Pakistan. Some inhuman customs in Hinduism ... Read More

The Muslims ruled over Spain and India for many years. They left over behind themselves many signs of art, architecture, culture and the customs of life. The Muslims both in regions set a remarkable a ... Read More

This informative article is a vital as well as analytical analyze of the several Sūrʼas translated as well as defined by Mūlvi Abdul Latīf around the facets of the guidelines connected with Translatio ... Read More

Many people propagate about the Islamic Hudūd i.e. Punish against crimes stated in the Holy Quran. They are of the view that the Islamic Hudūd punishments are more severe, cruel a brutal. Although it ... Read More

Islam is a complete system of life to raise all aspects of human life and the guiding thought and action which offers a system according to the changing conditions of human actions that affect. Up unt ... Read More

All the Prophets have been respectable in the scriptures of all the world religioins. They were sent to this world for a significant cause and remained model role for human beings, especially in Islam ... Read More