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Like other countries, Pakistan is making efforts to modernize its institutions to deal with formidable and complex challenges that it confronts. Public sector reforms in Pakistan reflect different mod ... Read More

The main theme of this article is that “Josh” has lived up to his name & indeed a poet of hope & optimism rather than a poet of lamentation & pessimism. The diction of his works is full of life and ae ... Read More

Bathsheba in Far from the Madding Crowd is one of Thomas Hardy’s most interesting female characters. What gives her a strong edge over the rest is Bathsheba’s necessary stand against being reduced to ... Read More

It was a descriptive research that attempted to investigate principals’ perspectives about their interventional role for school effectiveness in Government Girls’ High Schools at Secondary level in Pe ... Read More

The present study was conducted to examine the extent and direction of exchange rate volatility and its impact on macroeconomic performance of Pakistan. It is implied that exchange rate volatility has ... Read More

Security and survival are the inborn justifiable rights of every individual in a society. To safeguard life, honour, identity and wealth in a state, men had devised various schemes and strategies acco ... Read More

Focusing on historical as well as contemporary US foreign aid policies towards Israel, the paper examines the primary motivations behind the allocation of economic assistance from the United States (U ... Read More

Religious terrorism has been made the dominant discourse of the Unipolar World Order dominated by USA. The international system is anarchic, according to structural realism, and states pursue security ... Read More

The main theme of this article is that the man of today is as ignorant and arrogant as the Makkan Merchants were at the time of Revelation of the Holy Qur’an and the living Sunnah of the Holy Prophet ... Read More

Influenced by Iqbal’s Ideology and Philosophy Dr. Ali Shariati (1933- 77) Philosopher-activist, Revolutionary thinker, is one of the most outstanding modern interpreters of Islamic thought. He awakene ... Read More

Hamlet's exclusion from his father's throne was not Hamlet's problem on the whole but the restoration to its rightful owner was virtually necessary for his survival and personal safety. He refers expl ... Read More

The element of mistrust in Pak-Afghan relations is not a new phenomenon; in fact, it has a long history. Their bilateral relations have been frail and fragile, based on mutual mistrust and acrimony, ... Read More

There is extensive empirical evidence that religion and spirituality are strongly linked with psychological wellbeing; however limited evidence exists for a sample of Muslim Asians. The present study ... Read More

Universities operate under the direction, leadership, and vision of their educational administrators. Throughout planning, implementing, and evaluating daily activities, they are continuously making d ... Read More

The aim of the present study is to analyze the impact of religious intervention in combination with psychological intervention on emotional distress during perceived life stress. For this purpose from ... Read More

The current study evaluates the local and global trends of education policy in Pakistan. This critical analysis revolves around the framework of all the policies, implemented in Pakistan. The focus on ... Read More

This paper attempts to find an acceptable solution to the controversy of mentalist and behaviorist approaches to the language learning, supported by clear evidences from the ancient scripts and very c ... Read More

Shaw’s plays have been evaluated from different perspectives. Critics have traced the influences of different thinkers and philosophers like Mozart, Nietzsche, Marx and Ibsen in his works. But the inf ... Read More

Despite the fact that the character of Tess Durbeyfield in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles has aroused bitter criticism from many critics and readers, she is considered as one of the most fas ... Read More

Almost all people, very often ask several questions about the coming into being of the world, stages in the creation of the earth, birth of the light, darkness and life of the living and non-living or ... Read More

This study dig out to answer two different but correlated question ; firstly, what is the role of Social Safety Net (SSN) measures in targeting the poverty for a developing country like Pakistan. Seco ... Read More

Comparing with the 37 year checkered constitutional history (1973- 2010), the first decade of 21st Century, brought some hope for Pakistan. That was adoption of 18th Constitutional Amendment. It was a ... Read More

Comparing with the 37 year checkered constitutional history (1973- 2010), the first decade of 21st Century, brought some hope for Pakistan. That was adoption of 18th Constitutional Amendment. It was a ... Read More

New millennium is considered as the millennium of upholding the Human Rights throughout the world. Women are considered as the most vulnerable part of the society due to violation of their basic and f ... Read More

This study was opted to find out the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction of teachers serving as subject specialists in Higher Secondary Schools of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a ... Read More

The study is related to the role of the teachers’ training in the field of education. A single course of teacher training, however long it lasts and however excellent it may be, no longer suffices in ... Read More

Education plays a vital role in socio-economic development of a country and particularly primary education is the foundation for it. Primary education is the first five years education in the life of ... Read More

For peace and harmony in a society it is necessary to resolve conflicts and disagreements regarding social issues. Karl Popper is of the view that if disagreements are resolved with the authoritarian ... Read More

Cartesian dualism projected the view of human mind as independent of the body, having its own laws, free from causality of physical nature, and a distinct, un-extended thinking substance ‘res cogitans ... Read More

The current study examines the impact of individual differences in group identity on psychological empowerment and well-being among members of the ethnic minority and majority. “Baloch” have been take ... Read More

This study aimed to find out the relationship between morale and job satisfaction of subject specialists serving in Higher Secondary Schools of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. Zone-II of Khyb ... Read More

The paper discusses and evaluates the success rate of Pakistan in achieving Goal 2, Target 2A of Millennium Development Goal on primary education. The significant attention has been given to the educa ... Read More

Orientalists have refused to acknowledge the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. as the seal of Prophets and the last messenger of Allah Almighty. As they know that Qur'an is base of Islamic faith, so they are ... Read More

A constant debate regarding the image of the state of Pakistan is there in international media. The elements of perception and propaganda are involved in the debate. A dire need is required to underst ... Read More

In direct contravention to founding fathers’ envision, Pakistan was ruled, by the military for much of its existence. Whenever civilian rule manage to come about has been compromised at best and disto ... Read More