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Media is considered as one of the most powerful pillars of a modern state. Having more control over public discourse, it has more powers of making public opinion. A critical study of media discourse ... Read More

Positive cognitive outcomes, enrichment of minority languages, culture and ethnolinguistic identity are often associated with learning of native languages but, more than 65 to 77 native languages ac ... Read More

The hypothesis of the current paper is that in Sindhi language there is extensive usage of lexical borrowing from English, specially, and other languages. The present study explores the percentage o ... Read More

This paper investigates differences in the use of request strategies by Urdu/Punjabi male and female native speakers, who are learning English as a second language. The data were collected from 68 g ... Read More

Not surprisingly, children expand their linguistic repertoire with the maturation of their cognition and their daily activities such as watching cartoons influence their language development. Many i ... Read More

This study aims to investigate the acoustic properties of the native Pashto and English vowels spoken in District Mianwali. The main purpose of the study is to pin down the similarities and dis simi ... Read More

Strategic competence is considered as an integral element of communicative language ability and second language speaking proficiency as it is comprised of the strategies to be used whenever there is ... Read More

Languages are the main pillars of the society. Within the Sindh province, many indigenous languages are spoken, however within the urban domain i.e. Karachi, the majority languages (English and Urdu ... Read More

Spoken communication is characterized by a sizable portion of breathing and hesitation pauses and fillers. When used as a strategy, pauses and fillers appear to facilitate word selection and organiz ... Read More

Over the past few years, an overwhelming interest has been observed in teaching and learning pronunciation. Although, this resulted in proliferation of pronunciation related studies and resources, m ... Read More

In Pakistani context, traditional assessment approach is practiced for teaching and testing writing although it is considered less effective. In fact, educationists have proposed different alternativ ... Read More

How does a researcher move from an interest in Sociolinguistics to Discourse Analysis and to topics which are normally considered within the realm of Social Psychology? Are these disciplines really ... Read More

The current study explains the phonological adaptation of diphthongs in English loanwords adopted in Saraiki language. This process is described through acoustic analysis of four diphthongs. The dat ... Read More