Social Family Rights in the light of Islamic Sharia

Family is the basic unit and an integral part of society that starts from the legitimated bond of marriage between a man and woman. Family implies an organized structure of mutual duties and rights. A successful social system can exist only if the balance of duties and rights is maintained. Ignoring so can pave the way to social conflicts that is why Islam gives primitive importance to family system and presents a code of conduct following which can ensure a successful social system. Islam has mentioned the duties and rights of every individual regardless of age and gender. In the Holy Quran, the family matters have been discussed in rather detail. The rights of parents, spouses, kids and other relatives have been explained with special reference. Similarly, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) has given special consideration to marital life. He has regarded a person the most superior among all who keeps a mild relation with his spouse. Moreover, he gave example of a good family member as father for his children and a husband for his wives. In the books of Islamic jurisprudence, the family matters have been discussed under the title of personal affairs which meets the core objectives of human life. This detail shows that the family has a symbolic role in the building of a developed society. This article shall cover all the aspects of social system and the determination of rights therein in Islamic perspective.

Dr. Karim Dad, Dr.Muhammad Tahir. (2018) خاندان کے سماجی حقوق شریعت اسلامی کے تناظر میں, Al-Azhāar, Volume 4, Issue 1.
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