This article explains the history of the science of tajweed, how this discipline evolved and that Imam Khalil Nahvi is the founding father of this discipline. Besides, it has also been explained tha ... Read More

Taxation policy is an important source of revenue for government in the conventional and Islamic economy now a days. But the question arises that taxation policy is according to Islamic shariah or n ... Read More

All the aspects of life are covered by the teaching of Islam. The environment is the creation of Allāh (SWTA). The creation of this earth and all its natural resources are sign of His Wisdom, Mercy, ... Read More

Human being learn at each and every stage of life in one way or another. This learning is sometimes caused by a single event or sometimes by a repeated action. A teacher uses different skills and te ... Read More

The phenomenon of migration is a rich debate in the postcolonial studies categorically, South Asian English diasporic fiction and in Islamic history too. It brings along the issue of confronting wit ... Read More

Since 50 years, dual career couples has been remained an important subject for researchers in the western context, however there is no or very less number of studies have been carried out among Musl ... Read More

The prohibition of torture has recently been discussed in detail amongst academicians, at governmental level and especially in legal circles around the world. The questions of the possible limits of ... Read More

Moulana muhammad musa khan was a great and wel established religious scholar who had deep insight into knowledge of his field. As a matter of fact he was scholar of both analytical traditional relig ... Read More

Impact of the variant readings on the rendering of the Quran is observable in the Urdu translations of the Quran, as tow established readings is like tow verses of the Quran therefor the translators ... Read More

This study is title “Anger Divorce” which aims at deepening the researches in this disputing issue relating to the personal status that’s full of inquires due to huge divorce cases in our societies, ... Read More

The language of the Quran is unsurpassed in its accuracy of meaning and expression. Each letter and word has its place while the language is errorless. These unique features are found in both; the c ... Read More

Alhamdulillah, Islam is an international religion and ample guidance to spend life. The Islamic scholars have divided Islam into five fundamental branches. 1. Belief 2. Character 3. Worship of ALLA ... Read More

O believers! Wine and gambling and idols and divining arrows are only unclean things, a work of devil (Satan) then save yourselves from them, so that you may prosper It is clear from the above vers ... Read More

Islam is a universal religion for all the people of all the times, therefore It needs to have some flexibility so that the people of different locality and different times may adjust themselves acco ... Read More

In Madina city there were different Jewish tribes living apart from Banu Aws and Banu Khazraj. After the immigration to Medina, in the very early months, Prophet Muhammad SAW formed a treaty with th ... Read More

Encyclopedia of Religion is a modern contribution on the study of Religion. This research work has been completed by round about 1980 researchers under the supervision of Professor Lindsay Jones. Th ... Read More

The fundamental purpose of Confucius’s teachings is to reform individuals socially and make them strong on the ladder of morality. He was of the view that well-built moral and social values will eve ... Read More

Ibn-e-Zaydun was a renowned Andalusian poet. He served as Courtier Poet of Abu al-Hazm Ibn-e-Jahoor, a king of Cordoba, Andalusia in Maluk al-Tawaif era. Ibn-e-Zaydun succeeded in his private life ... Read More

The author of the under-discussion Tafseer “Mafateeh al Ghayb” is Fakhr-udDin Mohammed bin Umer bin Hussain who is commonly known as Imam Raazi. Imam Fakhr-ud-Din Raazi was born in 544 Hijri in Al-Ra ... Read More

When caliph gives out a part of land (populated or non-populated to his people as a tenement. Such an act of allocating of land is called Iqtaa.. In some cases, instead of giving out land, only its ... Read More

This paper deals with religious and sociocultural factors that affect women’s education in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The sample chosen for this study is 100 students of different departments of Hazara Un ... Read More

This article argues that the traditional principles of contract law and negligence have limitations which prevent some persons injured by defective products from relying on them as a means of redres ... Read More

Quran is the Holy book revealed on the last prophet Hazrat Muahmmad (Peace be upon him) through revelation. Revelation is one of the three basic knowledge hubs as by birth, sensation and revelation. ... Read More

A thinker, philosopher, orator, mujtahid, writer, leader, politician and seasoned organizer, Maulana Maududi has everlasting impact on the philosophical, ideological and organizational structure of ... Read More

China has become an important player on the Central Asian landscape since 2000s. In less than two decades, China has been able to make a huge and multiform entry in Central Asia. On the bilateral d ... Read More

Quran as Book of Allah has been a basic source of many sciences that men have searched for throughout the ages. Every single letter of it reflects perfection and echoes variety of scientific interpr ... Read More

Adoption is one of the social phenomena prevalent in contemporary Muslim life. It was also a common practice in pre-Islamic Arab society and other nonArab nations such as Roman and Greek. However, in ... Read More

The Holy Quran is fountain head of entire learning, but there is a striking difference between the Holy Quran and the other books The Quran is word of Allah (SWT) and books on various branches of kn ... Read More

The aim of this study is to find out the difference of meaning and use of the common Arabic vocabulary items among Classical (Asr-ul-Qadeem: before the 13th Century) and Modern scholars (Asr-e-Jadee ... Read More

Qiam al Lail or offering additional long night prayers is a consistent and proven tradition of the holy prophet PBUH. He PBUH used to consistently pray and used also to encourage his companions to o ... Read More

This article aims at general introduction and analysis of important imperfections of a book named:"Tareekh-o-Ibne Asakir" the so called "tareekh-o-demashq", translated as the history of Damascus cit ... Read More

This study elaborates the opinions of the leading jurists of prominent schools of thought in regard with the sentence of disgrace and insult of any religious sanctities. The research brings to light ... Read More

Sakoot(silence)is an Arabic word which means silence. Hence it seems to be a word but this word is very comprehensive and accepted. This word can carry two meanings. The one is willing ness while th ... Read More

The protection of human body is emphasized and has been dealt with prestige by both Science and Shariah law. There are several diseases whose effects remain for a short period of time, whereas the t ... Read More

Family is the basic unit and an integral part of society that starts from the legitimated bond of marriage between a man and woman. Family implies an organized structure of mutual duties and rights. ... Read More

Imam Razi has earned a reliable name and fame in world of scholars. His famous work Tafseer Kabeer is considered as remarkable in the list of Tafseer bir Raye. Being a great research work, power of ... Read More

The prophet’s migration to Madīna played an important role in the propagation and advancement of the religion, Islam. During the migration to Madīna, the Ansār of Madīna showed utmost hospitality an ... Read More

The present paper explores two different versions of an important event from the life of prophet Musa Alaihe Salam(AS).The under study event is related to the migration of Prophet Musa (AS) from Egy ... Read More

Fasting for religious and spiritual reasons has been a part of human custom since pre-historic times. It is a universal phenomenon within both Eastern and Western cultures. Over the centuries, absta ... Read More


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