Islam is a dynamic religion and Information Technology (IT) is a modern tool to solve many problems in the real world. This paper pinpoints areas where Information Technology can be used for Islam u ... Read More

It is generally believed that Malakand Division has witnessed unprecedented socio-economic and political losses because of militancy and terrorism. This article aims to analyze the impact of militan ... Read More

Molina Amin Ahsan Islahi and Mufti Muhammad Shai Usmani are the wellknown and renowned religious scholars not in the sub-continent but also in the whole World due to their unique styles of writings a ... Read More

Generally the Dispute resolution extra judicially refers to the process of Arbitration, Mediation, and Negotiation. The process is used by the parties either before or after the dispute has arisen. ... Read More

Orientalism on the one hand contributed to the mine of information on the orient and on the other it has created a subjective imagery of the ground reality. The tournament of shadows (Balshaya Igra) ... Read More

Mysticism is subliminally present in Islam since its inception became perspicuous during the first Islamic centuries (the seventh and eighth centuries C.E.). That, later on, influenced and permeated ... Read More

The present position paper explores to examine select poems of Pakistani poet and writer, Omer Tarin, in the backdrop of Mysticism/Sufism. Investigation of the theme and trope under reference is car ... Read More

The Article entitled: Lament poetry regarding Ahl-e-Bait in various periods is a comprehensive, historical study of the kind of Arabic poetry. The article presents a number of relevant traditions fr ... Read More

Rhetoric which is one of the branches of Islamic sciences to which Muslim scholars from time to time in the history have given careful consideration with general reason for understanding the mystery ... Read More

Islam is the religion which is spreading rapidly all over the world. It has become a universal religion and its boundaries are expending to the people of all types of ethnics and cultural background ... Read More

Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (1856-1921) was a renowned religious and spiritual personality of the subcontinent. He contributed towards Arabic, Persian and Urdu Languages and Literatures. He was a great sch ... Read More

Sanctity of human life is much valued in all religions of the world as human being is the central and most precious figure in society. The society is established only for the welfare and advancement ... Read More

The most difficult and hard-working class in our society is employees and workers, who play a pivotal role for the development and progress of any industry, organization and institution through thei ... Read More

This article explores adorations of Sikhism which fall into two parts i.e. daily adorations, and adorations for special occasions. Daily adorations consist of morning, evening, and just before sleep ... Read More

A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanly to an order of existence. There are many religions in the world. The study of religions emerge ... Read More

Islam encourages every step that is taken for the prosperity of human beings. It emphasizes on the utilization of skills to serve others. Achievement of this goal depends on the acquisition of knowl ... Read More

British Government and the colonial power in the Indo Pak subcontinent influenced all departments and spheres of life. Like other major channels and forums of the government, colonial power also foc ... Read More

Mufti Muhammad Farid (d.2005) was one of the finest muftis in Kyber Pakhtonkhwa. His excellence in Fiqh Hanfi and Ifta can be well demonstrated through his fatwas. The trust among the people of Khyb ... Read More

The Qur'an is the last book in the heavenly books that has been revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This is the best book and the first thing to be the best of this book is that Allah ... Read More

Imam Abu Hanifa has reached such a climax in his academic excellence that it has literally become impossible for others to reach such a position. However, he too has both his admirers and critics. T ... Read More

The main objective of this study was to find out the effect of multiple intelligences teaching on students’ academic achievement at secondary school level in subject of English. A true experimental ... Read More

Islamic work ethics is the principle of wrong and right at work place and it designates what people/ employees ought to do in the light of Quran and practical examples from the life of Prophet Muham ... Read More

Woman is financially dependent over her husband after marriage. Her economic dependency cannot be connoted as her intellectual deficiency. Islam bestows her honour by liberating her from the financi ... Read More

Translation of the meanings of Holy Qur’an has played a great role in preaching Islam, though there was no need to translate the Holy Book in the early period of Islam. When message of Islam reached ... Read More

The study aimsto rooting the Islamic economy's interest in resources and preserving them and to show the role of Islamic legislation in urging Muslims to protect the nation's resources and prevent h ... Read More

Pashto language and literature, as well as Pashtuns have long-term relationships and links with Arabs, Arabic language and literature. These relationships were strengthened at the time when the Prop ... Read More

Evils emanating from man designed economic system have existed from time immoral, the sufferings of which are being experienced by the individual as well as society and it is turning peoples to beco ... Read More

Islam presents balance and moderate life. Allah almighty defines Muslims as a Moderate ummah. Islam teacher us moderation and balanced view of life. It focuses on avoiding extremism in every mode of ... Read More

Secularism is the most familiar term used everywhere now a days. Although many philosophers contributed a lot to promote secular thought among the peoples but George Jacob Holyoake is the first one ... Read More

Conflict between humans is a natural order. Every society has a structure to eliminate conflicts and disputes. In Pakistan -at government level- judicial system deals with all types of conflicts. Ac ... Read More

The great industry within the nature is itself the proof of the presence of God. The cause of structure and function of a material thing starting from a tiny particle to a massive huge body in this ... Read More

The Holy Prophet PBUH has as much supremacy over all prophets as man has superiority over all creatures. Allah Almighty sent him PBUH as the greatest courteous for all mankind to deliver the lesson ... Read More

Sub-Continent of Indo-Pak has very diverse history of Cultural and Civilizational heritage. Different religions, religious movements and political and communities of different backgrounds remained h ... Read More

Ijtihad based on objectives of Sharia’h has been focused specially in the present age. The thing of special importance is that whether objectives of Shari’a are possible in all types and areas of Sh ... Read More

This article identifies women freedom and gender equality in West. A comparative study of women’s rights in Islam and West is the need of the hour to determine the best way out for women’s right. Th ... Read More


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