The political thought of Confucianism and Islam A Critical analysis

The fundamental purpose of Confucius’s teachings is to reform individuals socially and make them strong on the ladder of morality. He was of the view that well-built moral and social values will eventually lead towards a stable state. He had the same rationale for family systems that healthy marital relationships would contribute towards the harmonization of the society which would in result positively affect the functing of the state. In this paper an effort has been made to examine critically similar Political and Islamic teachings of Islam and Confucianism. This discussion will clear the concept of people regarding the Political system of both religions and it will conveyed that islam is a complete code of life because here we have clearity regarding all metaphysical being that are not understandable in Confucianism. The basic and fundamental sources of both religions have abeen used to precede the discussion.

Um e Farwa, Dr.Abdul Gaffar Jafri. (2018) کنفیوشس ازم اور اسلام کے سیاسی نظریات کا تنقیدی تجزیہ, Al-Azhāar, Volume 4, Issue 2.
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