Comparative Evaluation of the Jewish belief of Anthropomorphism and Beliefs of Hashawiah in the light of Encyclopedia of Religion

Encyclopedia of Religion is a modern contribution on the study of Religion. This research work has been completed by round about 1980 researchers under the supervision of Professor Lindsay Jones. The researchers involved in this research work have contributed very informative research articles regarding religious studies from different dimensions. While studying the concept of God and various major issues in old and contemporary theology, the three different authors have presented three important research articles on the concept of attributes of God (اسماءوصفات ِتصور (with respect to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The research topic written by Louis Jacobs has explained the concept of attributes in the light of Judaism where the anthropomorphic character of God has been highlighted with respect to major Jewish scriptures. While on the other hand, the author of the article “Attributes of God: Islamic Concept) Georges Chehata Anawati has also discussed the various Islamic sects whom have differences of opinion on the concept of attributes. The author Chehata Anawati has tried to elaborate the concept of anthropomorphism in Islam.

Hafiz Muhammad Ali Khan, Prof.Hafiz Hifazat Allah. (2018) انسائییکلو پیڈیا آف ریلیجن کے تناظر میں یہودی عقیدہ تجسیم اور فرقہ حشویہ کے عقائد کا علمی اور تنقیدی جائزہ, Al-Azhāar, Volume 4, Issue 2.
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