A Comparative Study of Common Arabic Vocabulary among the Classical and Modern Scholars

The aim of this study is to find out the difference of meaning and use of the common Arabic vocabulary items among Classical (Asr-ul-Qadeem: before the 13th Century) and Modern scholars (Asr-e-Jadeed: After 18th Century) and the factors contributing towards such difference. The data were collected from a wide range of literature through observations and notetaking. A few words have been analyzed with the focus on the research objectives. The study concludes that a number of major changes occurred in the Arabic vocabulary over the period of time. These changes owe to the broader socio-cultural evolution.

Abdul Majid, Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Badsha. (2018) ظاہرہ المشترک اللفظی عندالقد ماء والمحدیثین ؛)دراسہ تقابلیہ), Al-Azhāar, Volume 4, Issue 1.
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