Son preference is a tenacious phenomenon found in various countries around the globe. Following a brief overview of son preference, this paper presents a descriptive review of socio-economic topographies of son preference and women familial status in Pakistan. It describes that there are a number of socio-economic factors which presents a relationship between the women familial status and the birth of her son. Amongst the economic factors, old age economic source and family purse are the major contributors for her old age economic support. Additionally, socio-cultural factors, gives her an uplifted status and shift in power, family acceptance and certain uplifted roles in the family. Being a mother of a son is the only channel which is a source of her uplifted status in the patriarchal setup. This notion confirms the ideology of son as superior and daughter neglect; resulting in promotion of son preference culture in the country. State policies are still unable to uplift the women status and to eliminate discriminatory customs towards her at familial level in the country.

Beenish Ijaz Butt, Amir Zada Asad. (2017) Factors Affecting Son Preference Phenomenon and Women Familial Status in Pakistan, Orient Research Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 2.
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