Cooperative learning (CL) has marked a key importance in education and it has become imperative in language education. The use of the paradigm has gained popularity among the learners. The use of th ... Read More

The study analyzes the academic functioning of the university departments in Punjab, Pakistan. Academic functioning was taken as curriculum & instruction, assessment, academic facilities & resources ... Read More

Companies are gaining competitive advantage based on their supply chain networks now a day where strengthened supplier relationship plays a vital part. This purpose of this research is to measure th ... Read More

Purposely the intentions behind the study were to identify the problems related to educational accessibility, investigating teachers’ technical capacity for delivering adequate instruction to the st ... Read More

This study aimed at exploring the perceptions of students about the influence of two factors; Parents’ Guidance and Social Media upon the students’ academic performance at university level. This res ... Read More

Language is used as a means of communication which reveals the identity, ideology and individual traits of the user. With this as background, the present study aims at analysing the speech of former ... Read More

Efficient civil-military relation is the backbone of strong political system. In Pakistan all the governments and political parties always seem to have cordial relations with military. Therefore des ... Read More

This research paper was designed to study the effect of problem solving approach on eighth class students for learning mathematics. The study was experimental in nature. Quasi- experimental design ( ... Read More

The researchers, in this study, attempted to find out whether a significant statistical difference exists in the level of self-directed learning readiness (SDLR) of students in traditional and virtu ... Read More

Pakistan with federation of four provincial administrative boundaries, it is heterogeneous based on linguistic-ethnicity and class. Income shared by bottom 20% is less than one tenth to top 20%. Thi ... Read More

This article deals with the role of Katchi Abbadis in achieving the goal of housing for all. Right to life has been interpreted by the supreme court of Pakistan in the case of Shehla Zia Vs WAPDA. T ... Read More

The making of international law has passed through the various dynamic stages of international relations. International Customs as the foremost source of international law and sometime regarded as m ... Read More

In world politics states experience rise and fall- economically, militarily and socially. The post-World War 2nd era was troubling to the Chinese policy makers. World was dominated by the US and USS ... Read More

Aging procedure is the consequence of the demographic realignment, which is a significant concern of countries globally. In developing countries, this sensation is striding faster. The main objectiv ... Read More

his work explains the relationship between economic Prosperity as a result of overseas remittance and the disintegration of the Traditional Pukhtun Social Organization leading to Juvenile delinquenc ... Read More

The study deals with the traditional feminine stereotypes in Mohsin Hamid’s fourth famous book titled as Exit West that was published in 2017. Pakistani writers have always highlighted the struggle ... Read More

Having an agrarian economy Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) has remained one of the world most under-developed areas. It had a tribal system of governance, known as Pashtunwali. When the p ... Read More

This study tends to focus on the current status of all the parties involved in Kashmir dispute. The paper exclusively deals with J&K- Indian held Kashmir. Historical analysis has been conducted to l ... Read More

The qualitative study examines the awful events of 9/11which led the United States to adopt a coherent counter terrorism strategy with the leading agenda of homeland security and protection of its c ... Read More

This paper has discussed how the intense change of temperature is affecting the water sources and is creating scarcity in Pakistan. Water scarcity leads to a vulnerable situation in Pakistan, as peo ... Read More

Home-based women workers constitute the largest part of the informal work force in Pakistan. However, for decades, they have been invisible and no official data are available even about their socioe ... Read More

This research paper is an attempt to highlight the importance and usefulness of laughter evoked by the comedy works in literature. This paper intends to explore how comedy has been the best tool to ... Read More

NATO and ISAF have practically ended their combat operations in Afghanistan in December 2014. Nevertheless, NATO and ISAF Forces are still present in limited number there. The point of concern here ... Read More

This study seeks to assess the extent of malnutrition and its effects on the students’ annual exam score and attendance at Government Primary Schools in selected UCs of district Tharparkar. Proper n ... Read More