This study focuses on the critical evaluation of the most frequent metaphors in the Pakistani English poetry (PakEP) of 21st century. The poetic corpus includes the works of the maximum number of th ... Read More

Stock exchange plays crucial role in economic development a country. Contemplation among various macroeconomic indicators was established by utilizing, 1975-2018 annual time series data. In this stu ... Read More

The study descriptively intends to know about the contribution of the visual contents of Inter-Services Public Relation (ISPR) to the image building of Pakistan. The author has assumed that national ... Read More

This article evaluates the bilateral relations from historical to contemporary times and suggests measures for furthering bonds of association Pakistan-China which have endured the test of times and ... Read More

This paper analyzes the Sikh identity and struggle for peaceful homeland and the relations between the Sikhs and the Government of India, which is becoming more complex every day. Organizations of t ... Read More

This paper aims at investigating the post-legislative acid crimes situation with reference to women status in rural Punjab after thepromulgation ‘The Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Act, 2011 ... Read More

This study highlights some serious concerns regarding damage caused to national, social, cultural and religious identity by the so-called advanced curricula adopted and implemented in the private sc ... Read More

Restaurant ambience assumes a significant job in setting up an eatery picture, and to pull in clients to eat. The reason for this examination is to inspect the connection between restaurant ambience ... Read More

This paper aims to find out the perceptions of the teachers and the former students of BS in Applied Sciences about Functional English courses. The data were collected through semi-structured interv ... Read More

This qualitative study explores the answers of the issue of terrorism in Afghanistan and why America is demanding from Pakistan to take more counter terrorism measures against terrorists groups and ... Read More

This study aimed to explore the effect of school environment on the performance of private and public sector schools for girls at secondary level in Multan. The objective of the study was to compare ... Read More

The Pakistani writers have been projecting women characters in their fiction in a traditional Pakistani social set up which supported a dominating position of the male figure. The oppressed portraya ... Read More

The purpose of this study is to examine entrepreneurial attitude effect on entrepreneurship motivation with mediation of entrepreneurial education in university students of Pakistan. An empirical re ... Read More

This France's prominent role in solving the global conflicts represents an interesting case study because in spite of its size (only 1% of the population of the world), it maintains the largest dipl ... Read More

This study aims to examine the socio economic determinants of income inequality in Pakistan. For this analysis, data was taken from Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement (PSLM) 2013-14. S ... Read More

In present era, motivation is a driving force to energize and activate the primary school teachers in achieving excellence in their job. Motivation and job satisfaction are important for the long-te ... Read More

The relations between Peoples Republic of China and Islamic Republic of Pakistan are second to none. It is the most prominent and worthy relationship of the era due to their time tested and strong b ... Read More

Pakistan joined the war on terror in September 2001 and since then it has faced a lot of challenges. After joining this war on terror, the security situation of the country becomes worse within few ... Read More

The research intends to study Shahid Nadeem’s play The Third Knock from the perspective of Brecht’s Socio-Political philosophy. It examines the rights of ownership in the context of the play and arg ... Read More

Technology has played a significant role in improving users’ confidence and giving them power of expression. This is true of all factions of society; however, the students especially the female stud ... Read More

Interactional metadiscourse markers are the self-reflective linguistic expressions that make the writers more powerful in interaction (Hyland, 2004). This study applies Hyland’s (2005a) model of int ... Read More

This research explores the structure, phenomenon and impact of coaching class on the academic scenario in connection with the shadow education system in Pakistan. It is assumed that coaching centers ... Read More

Few organizational studies have identified a radical approach to assess knowledge management practices resulting in increased organizational efficiency and effectiveness. This paper thereby assesses ... Read More

The main objective of this study is to statistically examine the impact of Market Orientation (MO) and Sensing Capability (SC) towards Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) performance in the context ... Read More