Pakistan is the only country which is greatly affected by terrorism after becoming a front line ally of United States in war against terrorism. Pakistan had to join the war in order to bring an end to the international isolation it was facing after the nuclear tests of 1998 and to overcome the sanctions in order to get economic as well as military assistance. Joining the war against terrorism was the biggest mistake of Pakistan as it produced many short and long term repercussions. The consequences of these policies brought terrorism in Pakistan and in order to counter that terrorism the armed forces had fought many wars inside its territory, which resulted in institutional instability and raised social issues that remained steady to plague the society. The United States is very much concerned about the rise of terrorism and extremism in the country. Now the need of the hour is that Pakistan should keep the national interest in mind and become more careful in understanding the most tough security challenges faced by the country and it should not allow any other country to gain strategic advantage of the ongoing situation.

Zain UL Abiden Malik, He Zhilong. (2019) AN APPRAISAL OF TERRORISM IN PAKISTAN, Journal of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Research, Volume 8, Issue 1.
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