Gypsies are always a unique group of people in the society. They have very poor image on society due to their poor and low living of standards, illiterate behavior, their firmness towards their unknown culture, their less opportunity towards noble jobs. The following research thus, aims to investigate the socio economic problems of the gypsies. Interview Schedule was designed to collect the data of 30 respondents (including 18 male and 12 female) from those gypsies who were willing to give interview, by using Convenience sampling technique. The services of trained female students were used for collection of the data. The main objectives of this study was to find out the socio economic status of gypsies. Problems being faced by them and the causes of socio-economic problems of gypsies. The relevant data was collected and analyzed with the help of SPSS, and then conclusions were drawn accordingly. According to the conclusion, Illiteracy, poverty, laziness and their loyalty to their own culture were the main cause of their present status in the society. In addition the main source of income was beggary which is mostly done by their females. And prefer to live a selfcentered life. One of the main problems being faced by them was that People distrust and avoid them because people usually associate them with either music and dance or theft.

Syed Faiq Sajjad Shah, Qurat ul Ain, Hina Nosh. (2020) Socio-Economic Problems of Gypsies: a case study of Peshawar, Putaj Humanities And Social Science, Volume-27, Issue-1.
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