In 1951 Pakistan ranked at 14th position in the world’s populous countries but with 2.1 percent growth rate it has now become the 5th most high populated country in the world. The rise in growth rat ... Read More

The role of nursing is crucial for providing required cure and care to patients in hospitals. The leadership style influence nurses working abilities and job related outcomes. Considering these argu ... Read More

Pak-US relations are defined with frequent ups and down in roller coaster motion from engagements to estrangement with shifting priorities of US. Pakistan, Once the most allied ally in 50s, turned i ... Read More

Movie posters are multimodal forms of advertisements that are meant for promoting a movie through a combination of visual and verbal elements. For linguistic and visual analysis, this paper analyses ... Read More

Research is an intellectual activity which not only improves the existing services but also secures the future generation by putting forward valuable recommendations. The quality of research is co-r ... Read More

In 1947, one of the greatest massacres and migration in the history of mankind occurred in the Indian Sub-Continent. Mountbatten was the last Viceroy of the Indian Subcontinent and later on the firs ... Read More

This research study is to investigate the impact of militancy on female dropout at secondary schools in District swat, Pakistan from 2007 to 2016. This study is conducted late 2018. The methodology ... Read More

A comparative research was conducted to find out gender differences in aggression among sports players. The sample consisted of hundred (N=100) participants from Peshawar. Buss & Perry Aggression Qu ... Read More

The present study aimed to investigate the personal and organizational predictors of Job Satisfaction. Personal predictors were; Personality traits and Psychological empowerment and organizational p ... Read More

In recent years, microfinance has been a primary policy for combating poverty and socio-economic development worldwide. The common perception about microfinance is that it’s simply about helping the ... Read More

Bonded Labour laws safeguard the rights of downtrodden sections, including daily wagers and brick kiln workers, who are often subjected to the harshest forms of working conditions. Prevalence of bon ... Read More

Analyzing the genre of websites helps in understanding the minimum requirements expected out of that particular virtual space. The idea of understanding the structure and content of a well-establish ... Read More

Pak-Afghan relations went sour in current time due to the rising negative perception and trust deficit between the two countries. The Afghan authorities held Pakistan responsible for the security de ... Read More

Education play significant role in society development. Education is the fundamental right of all human-beings but unluckily in Pakistan, female education is still not given proper attention. Obviou ... Read More

Rukhsana Ahmad’s short story “The Gatekeeper’s Wife” maps the plight of a western woman, Annette, who is married to a wealthy man in Lahore. Despite living in an affluent and luxurious environment, ... Read More