Pak-Afghan relations went sour in current time due to the rising negative perception and trust deficit between the two countries. The Afghan authorities held Pakistan responsible for the security deterioration of their country irrespective of the fact that Pakistan has persistently been paying ‘heavy price’ for the Afghan peace and offered huge sacrifices for the stability and security of Afghanistan. Currently the relations between the two countries is estranged if not totally broken, however, a peaceful, prosper and friendly Afghanistan is Pakistan’s strategic priority and a matter of national interest. This paper aims at exploring and analyzing the strategic interests of Pakistan, its role and involvement in Afghanistan for the realization of its national interests. This research mainly focuses on Pakistan’s previous role and present position in the light of its vital interests. The study also seeks to evaluate the required conditions for the revival of bilateral relationship and bringing peace and security in the region.

Naveeda Yousaf, Manzoor Ahmad, Shaukat. (2019) Pakistan’s Strategic Interests in Afghanistan: Post NATO Drawdown, Putaj Humanities And Social Science, Volume-26, Issue-1.
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