Education play significant role in society development. Education is the fundamental right of all human-beings but unluckily in Pakistan, female education is still not given proper attention. Obviously, education plays a pivotal role in bringing changes and development in societies. Therefore, the main purpose of this article is to analyze the role of female education in national economic development of Pakistan. This is a quantitative study, and we used secondary data. The data is obtained from the World Development Indicators, the World Bank. The results showed that female primary and secondary education enrollment and female teachers have a positive correlation with national economic development of Pakistan. Findings of this study suggest that Government of Pakistan should increase expenditure on education sectors where more focus to be given to female education in the country. The ultimate consequences of improved female literacy would be women empowerment, which will help decline in poverty through employment, elimination of income inequality and an enlarged social consciousness for the improvement of life.

Farah Khan, Ghazala Yasmeen, Nayab Karim. (2019) Role of Female Education in National Economic Development of Pakistan, Putaj Humanities And Social Science, Volume-26, Issue-1.
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