Movie posters are multimodal forms of advertisements that are meant for promoting a movie through a combination of visual and verbal elements. For linguistic and visual analysis, this paper analyses posters of three Academy Award winning animated movies, namely, Toy Story 3 (2010), Frozen (2013), and Zootopia (2016). Each one of the posters was comprehensively analyzed using Kress and Leeuwen’s (2006) three meanings: representational, interactive and compositional, as explicated by Chen and Gao (2013). The findings of the study deduced that various linguistic and visual modalities employed in movie posters converge together to give an apt representation of the theme of the movie. This article recommends the study of various multimodal pieces of discourse using Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA) as a means to exploit multiple semiotic modes to reach to a comprehensive meaning of social processes.

Sadaf Iftikhar, Atteya Shahnaz, Farzana Masroor. (2019) Multimodal Discourse Analysis of the Poster Covers of Academy Award Winning Animated Feature Movies, Putaj Humanities And Social Science, Volume-26, Issue-2.
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