Countries around the globe are devolving political, fiscal and administrative powers to lower tiers of government. In Pakistan, devolution reforms were launched through Local Government Ordinance in 2001, with three interrelated objectives. Service delivery was given special prominence. It was argued that empowered, staffed and resourced local governments would deliver better resources to improve education, health and municipal services. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of fiscal decentralization in improvement of public services across selected districts of Punjab province of Pakistan, covering the period from 2003 to 2014 pooled for 12 years. The study applied the fixed and random effects models for panel data analysis and finds that fiscal decentralization improves the delivery of education and health services in districts of Punjab during Pervaiz Musharraf’s regime while this effect reversed after the change of regime in 2008.Thus, it is proposed to decentralize the fiscal, administrative and political powers after making proper planning and management. The continuous monitoring is proposed for successful implementation and effectiveness of the policy

Mehr-un-Nisa, Samina Khalil. (2018) Impact Assessment of Fiscal Decentralization in Improving Public Service Delivery: A Case Study of Districts in Punjab, Putaj Humanities And Social Science, Volume-25, Issue-1.
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