No nation can achieve economic development in isolation; cross border trade is needed for this purpose. The transportation sector plays a strong role in national and regional development, and has strong influence on the integration of a nation to the world market. Ports constitute an important economic activity in coastal areas. The higher the throughput of goods and passengers at ports, the more infrastructure, provisions and associated services are required. These will bring varying degrees of benefits to the economy of a country. Ports are also important for the support of economic activities in the hinterland since they act as a crucial connection between sea and land transport. Pakistan has a rich history of trade across seas and can offer itself as a gate way and hub of trade because of its strategic and the geo-political situation in the region, Pakistan is a maritime nation having long coastal line of around 960 Km and to materialize its dream to become a hub of economic activities, Pakistan is constructing a deep sea port with the assistance of China at Gwadar, having close proximity to Persian Gulf, Middle East and to the international Sea Lanes of Communication. This paper explores the role of Gwadar port in the economic development of Pakistan.

Kausar Takrim. (2016) Role of Ports in the Economic Development of a Nation: Gwadar Port Perspective, Putaj Humanities And Social Science, Volume-23, Issue-1.
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