Social capital theorists have struggled for establishing a practicable perspective in policy and development realm. No doubt, the concept has proved its potential in offering promising prospects; however, its manipulation for personal interest may hinder the way of positive outcomes. Exploring the issue, effort is being made in this paper to highlight a dark side of social capital which was detrimental to school community links in Pakistan. The study exhibits that principals use personal- in the shape of links with local political elites- and institutional social capital- having good relations with higher authorities- for making corruption and maintaining autocratic atmosphere of their schools. The social networks serve as an umbrella for school administrators from any possible legal action of parents. In this way, few individuals exchange illegal benefits at the expense of desired social capital building through PTCs. Thus the dilemma of parents/community involvement in schools is marred by the perverse use of individual and institutional social capital for meager personal interest.

Aminullah, Javaria Raza, Niaz Ahmad. (2016) A Critical Analysis of Social Capital Building in the Development of Education in Pakistan, Putaj Humanities And Social Science, Volume-23, Issue-2.
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