Probably determined ascent in value levels antagonistically influences the financial execution of any nation. The objective of every last Government is to keep up low and moderately stable levels of expansion. This study dissected the real determinants of swelling in Pakistan by utilizing time arrangement information from 1981 to 2015. The study utilized Johansen-Co incorporation approach to test for the presence of long run relationship between the variables. The Co-coordination relapse so far considers just long-run property of the model. This study reasoned that swapping scale, expansive cash and populace development positively affect swelling in long run. Then again unemployment has negative impact however is not huge. The cash coefficient is 0.01% suggesting that one percent expansion in cash supply prompts 1% expansion in value level and it is the most noteworthy component of swelling in Pakistan’s economy.

Sanam Wagma Khattak, Syed Faizan Iftikhar. (2016) Determinants of Inflation and Population Growth in Pakistan: A Time Series Approach, Putaj Humanities And Social Science, Volume-23, Issue-2.
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