Objectives: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of high β hCG (>2 MOM) levels in predicting pregnancy induced hypertension taking development of PIH later in pregnancy as gold standard. Methodology: This descriptive, cross-sectional validation study was Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore from 20th November 2018 to 19th May 2019. Total 200 women, at 18 to 40 years of age, with singleton pregnancy of cephalic presentation and between 14 to 20 weeks of gestation were included. Patients with chronic liver disease, h/o chronic hypertension, renal disease and cardiac disease were excluded. After informed consent blood sample of each woman was sent to the Institutional Pathology laboratory for measurement of serum β HCG levels by consultant pathologist. All women were followed till delivery for development of pregnancy induced hypertension by the researcher herself on regular basis and managed accordingly. Results: Out of 200 enrolled patients 114 women had β HCG > 2 MOM. But 108 were True Positive and 06 were False Positive. Among rest of 86 patients with β HCG < 2 MOM, 09 (False Negative) had adverse maternal outcome whereas 77 (True Negative) had no PIH (p=0.0001). Overall sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and diagnostic accuracy of high β HCG (>2 MOM) levels in predicting pregnancy induced hypertension, taking development of PIH later in pregnancy as gold standard was 92.31%, 92.77%, 94.74%, 89.43% and 92.50% respectively. Conclusion: This study concluded that diagnostic accuracy of high β HCG (>2 MOM) levels in predicting pregnancy induced hypertension is quite high.

Attia Mustafa, Shamila Ijaz Munir. (2021) Diagnostic Accuracy of High β HCG (>2 MoM) Levels in Predicting Pregnancy Induced Hypertension, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-11, Issue-2.
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