Objectives: .To ascertain the prevalence of stress and anxiety disorders within pregnant women during Pandemic of COVID-19. Methodology:This Cross sectional study was carried out at AL-Aleem Medical College, Lahore attached with Gulab Devi Educational Complex, over a period of three months from September 2020 to November 2020 after approval from Institutional Ethical Committee. Non probability convenience sampling technique was used, a total of 100 willing pregnant women fulfilling the inclusion criteria were included in this study. The Data was collected by handing over “The 7- item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7)” Performa and then analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results: The prevalence of stress and anxiety disorders in gravid women in this study was 97%. Out of 100 women major chunk 55% was between 26-35 years of age, 32% were between 15-25 years, the mean age of women was 25.58 years. Majority of women 56% were multigravida, 23% were grand multipara and only 21% were primigravida. Seven percent presented in 1st trimester (1-13 weeks), 26% in 2nd trimester (14-26 weeks) and majority 67% in third trimester of pregnancy. Seventy two percent of women were matric pass and 28% were up to bachelor. About 93% women had knowhow regarding COVID-19 through social media, friends and family. Conclusions: This study foreground the high level of stress and anxiety disorders amid Pakistani gravid women during COVID-19 Pandemic. To reduce this stress special preventive strategies and its implementation are needed at community level.

Nadia Khurshid, Nazia Nawaz. (2021) Psychological Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Pregnant Women, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-11, Issue-2.
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