Every society develops the curriculum with the expectation to fulfill its needs. Peace is a need of every human society from the beginning. This research is conducted to analyze the readiness of Urdu curriculum for this need of peace. The analysis was conducted by adopting the core curriculum analysis framework suggested by Levander & Mikkola, in 2009. The analysis was accomplished in two stages: Concept mapping framework and dimensional description framework. At first a tool of concept map consisted of list of aspects of peace education was developed. Urdu curriculum objectives, textbooks and activities suggested in the textbooks of 6th, 7th and 8th grade was analyzed for the aspects of peace education. Text description that was noted down in concept map was further analyzed to explore the quality of description. Reliability of data was maintained by applying expert peer reliability. Peace education is not adequately addressed in the objectives of curriculum of Urdu at elementary level. Text books of Urdu for grade 6th, 7th and 8th elaborated few aspects of peace education e.g. love for humanity, human value, brotherhood, tolerance, critical thinking, cultural diversity, gender equality, creativity and environmental education. Dimension of description in aspects of peace education were found brief most of the time. The study suggests that all aspects of peace education in curriculum of Urdu should be included in a balance form. Existing curriculum of Urdu for elementary grades should be revised to promote peace education.

Samra Bashir, Rafaqat Ali Akbar. (2019) Readiness of Curriculum for Peace Education; Analysis of Urdu Curriculum at Elementary Level, Journal of Elementary Education, Volume-29, Issue-1.
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