The Examination conducted by the Punjab Examination Commission (PEC) at grade VIII is considered high-stakes as both intended and unintended consequences are associated with result of the examinatio ... Read More

In Pakistan traditional teaching is kind of teaching approach in which a single Mathematics teacher teaches the students mostly with deductive method of teaching. Collaborative teaching (CT) has sev ... Read More

Education is a process of transferring knowledge, culture and tradition of one generation to the next generation. The teacher is the main agent who performs his part in the process of education. The ... Read More

The design of the study primarily is that of a survey in nature. The study basically aims at finding the perceptions of Teachers of Teachers Training Institutions (TTIs) regarding the newly establis ... Read More

Many students’ feel difficulties in learning mathematical concepts and lag behind in their progress as compared to their fellow learners. Their accommodation with regular peers remains always a chal ... Read More

Brain based learning is generally considered as the educational technique derived from the research in neurology and cognitive sciences to maximize learning in a safe yet challenging manner. The mai ... Read More

Mathematical and cognitive abilities have special role in information and technological era. These abilities help children to perform routine activities efficiently. Use of mathematical and cognitive ... Read More

It has observed that in spite of government efforts to provide best facilities in government schools, parents show their satisfaction about the quality of education in private schools. Therefore, sch ... Read More

The study was carried out to determine the relationship that exists between school population and teachers’ effectiveness in Kwara State Public Basic Schools in Nigeria. School population was examin ... Read More

The leading purpose of the existing paper was to explore the role of Head-teachers in sustaining institutional change at the elementary level. The study was quantitative and survey method was used t ... Read More

This study addressed the phenomenon of teachers’ burnout in its three dimensions explaining emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalization (DP) and lack of personal accomplishment (PA) (Maslach, Schau ... Read More

The task of developing pupils in their early stages of schooling with good writing skills in early years tends to be accorded low priority by educators and researchers despite the fact writing is an ... Read More

Teaching has always been undergoing strategic development and changes. Over the years the teacher-centered approaches are replaced by the student-centered methods. Even in the present era the indivi ... Read More

This research study tends to focus upon the widespread significance of phonics instructions at Elementary level of studies, in which learners are, suppose to learn the sounds of English orthography ... Read More

The study aimed at introducing scientific argumentation to students of elementary level in a private school in Islamabad. The sample consists of 48 students of grade seven divided into two sections ... Read More

Education is portrayed at the high on political agenda of all the democratic and dictatorship regimes in Pakistan but the figures related to literacy and enrollment rates at compulsory primary educa ... Read More

Present study examined the differential effects of metacognitive instruction, called SAVE the TIME, on Students of elementary level in solving mathematical word problems. In particular, the study fo ... Read More

Self-efficacy of teachers plays an important role in learning process. The purpose of this study was to investigate the self-efficacy between public and private school teachers at elementary level. ... Read More

The study investigated the influence of educational facilities on the teaching effectiveness of early childhood education programme in Plateau State. Descriptive survey research design of correction ... Read More

Building on a study by Conley, Pintrich, Vekiri, and Harrison (2004), the survey at hand aimed at investigating two hypotheses regarding the epistemological beliefs of 5th graders in biology. One st ... Read More